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Planning a Pregnancy?
Did you know the L.P. Johnson Family Health Center is one of the few family practices to offer obstetrical (OB) care? That’s right – our doctors will take care of
you throughout your pregnancy, deliver your baby at SwedishAmerican Hospital and take care of both you and your baby after delivery!

Follow these tips from Dr. A. Sanyo Konyak, an L.P. Johnson Family Health Center attending physician and clinical assistant professor in the Department of
Family and Community Medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine Rockford:

Make an appointment with your L.P. Johnson Family Health Center doctor before
getting pregnant. You can get guidance about how medical conditions and lifestyle
behaviors may affect your pregnancy and make sure your vaccinations are up-to-date.
Take folic acid starting at least a month
before pregnancy — 400 micrograms a
day can help prevent birth defects of the
baby’s brain and spine.
If feeling worried, sad, anxious or
stressed is interfering with your daily life,
talk to your doctor or one of our behavioral
health team members so you are
mentally healthy for your pregnancy.

For more info on planning a healthy pregnancy, visit


“Your health is your baby’s
health,” says A. Sanyo Konyak,
MD. “I work with patients before,
during and after pregnancy
to keep them healthy during this
exciting and joyful part of life!”