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Message to UICOMR from Dean Stagnaro-Green Regarding Return to Campus

I would like to start this message by thanking everyone for the incredible job that you have done this year. The challenges that COVID-19 brought, the necessity of pivoting almost all of our activities to virtual while maintaining high-quality educational programs, research initiatives, clinical activities and community service were enormous. This, in addition to the personal stress that COVID-19 put on us related to our health, the health of our families and loved ones, and the social isolation we all experienced, made this an incredibly difficult and challenging year. All too many of us lost loved ones, and have friends, family and colleagues, still dealing with the long-term effects of COVID-19.

Yet, in spite of this, we have had a remarkable year and have excelled in all of our missions. I am delighted to say that we are ready to pivot once again and begin the process of a return to normalcy. As many of you read on April 22, UIC Chancellor Amiridis announced that “Faculty and staff who have continued to work remotely throughout the pandemic can expect a phased-in return to work beginning in May and continuing until August 16, when fall semester officially begins for faculty and staff. Timing will be at the discretion of the vice chancellors and deans.”

The message from the Chancellor, and my commitment to returning our campus to the pre-COVID days, was the entire focus of my Zoom talk last week. At that meeting, I shared the two core principles that are guiding me in regards to our return. The first is that the health and welfare of all of our students, staff and faculty will remain of paramount importance. Secondly, our College of Medicine must have the personal interactions and presence in our clinics, classes and labs to accomplish our missions. I strongly believe that a vibrant academic medical center is at its best when the exchange of ideas, the provision of clinical care, the advancement of science, and the interactions with our community, are accomplished through personal interactions.

How then to move forward? As Chancellor Amiridis stated we will begin a phased-in return to campus starting immediately and culminating with a complete return to on-campus activities by early August. The timing in each area will be determined by your immediate supervisors working in conjunction with the Rockford Recovery Committee. Your supervisors will be in contact with you soon about next steps. Guidance from Michael Ginsberg, associate vice chancellor for human resources, regarding a telecommunting policy was released this morning.

To ensure your safety upon return, I strongly encourage everyone to receive your COVID-19 vaccine. Secondly, we will maintain a single entrance onto the campus and everyone will continue to be required to have their temperature taken. On campus, masks are mandatory and everyone will be expected to adhere to the six-foot social distance recommendation. Finally, starting Thursday, May 13, weekly COVID-19 saliva testing will be mandatory for all students, staff and faculty. Testing will be available by appointment on Tuesdays and Thursdays in tents outside the campus, or, in case of inclement weather, inside the Commons. More information regarding the testing will be forthcoming soon.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge and express my gratitude to the staff and faculty whose presence on campus and in our clinical operations was essential to carrying on critical aspects of our College of Medicine’s mission during the past year. Your incredible dedication to ensuring that the College of Medicine, in all of it facets, continued to function is remarkable, and greatly appreciated.

I am sure that there will be many questions as to how the transition back to campus will occur. I encourage you maintain close contact with your immediate supervisor regarding plans for your area. I am also sensitive to the fact that the transition back to campus may not be easy for everyone. If you need assistance with the transition, the Employee Assistance Program is available and may be of help.

I greatly look forward to seeing everyone and encourage you to offer support and encouragement to your colleagues as we make our return.

Alex Stagnaro-Green, MD, MHPE, MHA
Regional Dean