Observed concerning behavior on campus? Let the Behavior Intervention Team know!
Observed concerning behavior on campus? Let the Behavior Intervention Team know! Heading link

UIC Health Sciences Campus-Rockford is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for students, staff, faculty and visitors. The Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) is here to help identify and intervene when behaviors from any member of the campus community becomes a concern.
If a person is an immediate threat to themselves or others or is incapable of caring for themselves, or if they are creating a disturbance that raises concerns for personal safety – CALL 911.
Behavior that is disturbing, alarming, disruptive or interferes with the learning and work environment is conduct of particular concern. Other academic, behavioral or physical changes may indicate a problem that could be helped with early intervention. Examples include:
- Excessive absence or tardiness
- Exaggerated emotional responses
- Marked change in personal hygiene
- Verbal or written reference to suicide
- Excessive attention seeking
- Confusion
- Inability to sleep or eat
- Marked change in performance
- Isolation from others
- Shared feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
- Mood changes
- Dramatic weight loss or gain
How to make a non-emergency referral to BIT:
- Send an email to bitrockford@uic.edu
- Complete the online form
Remember, if you see something, say something.