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MBT Images of Research Competition winners announced

Research Competition winners

Earlier this month, Master of Science in Medical Biotechnology (MBT) Program students from the UICOMR Department of Biomedical Sciences were invited to submit static images that were evocative of their research. Last week, all members of the UIC Health Sciences Campus-Rockford campus community and those affiliated with the MBT Program were asked to vote for their favorite images.

The top three winners will receive a prize and the images will be used to promote, advance and represent the MBT program both in printed and digital media.

Listed below are the MBT Images of Research Competition 2024 winners: 

1st place (tie): Lost in Space by Bavavarshini Tamilselvam. These neurons are each meticulously immunostained to reveal the intricate network of tau proteins that compose them. The ethereal blue hue illuminates their nuclei, adding a touch of celestial beauty to the intricate dance of cellular life.
1st place (tie): The Asteroid Trifecta by Bavavarshini Tamilselvam. Unlocking the secrets of the brain, one colorful neuron at a time! Witness the dance of tau proteins in blue, with nuclei glowing like sapphires, while fiery red marks the trail of p-NfH deposition.
2nd place: Constellar Collision by Sworaj Sapkota. Two cancer spheroids made of WPMY-Cd cells embedded in an extracellular matrix appear like colliding stars. This sprouting is a testament to the elevated invasive ability of prostatic fibroblast cells that have been chronically exposed to cadmium. 3-D methods like spheroid embedding allow researchers to better study physiological conditions at the bench.
3rd place: Buried Treasure in the River Nile by Iqra Ahmed. Nile red liposomes are uptaken by fibroblast cells colocalized with lysotracker dye.

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who submitted their amazing images this year!