Our mission is to promote health and equity among patients, learners and communities through excellence in clinical care, education, research and service.
The Department of Family and Community Medicine is committed to our community and the health of our region. This puts us on the frontier of many aspects of both patient-centered and population-based health care. Join us in expanding family medicine and creating a better society and improved health for all.
Academic Programs Heading link
The Department of Family and Community Medicine offers exceptional educational experiences for UICOMR medical students, Family Medicine Residency Program residents, residents in our advanced and surgical obstetrics track and our fellows in headache medicine and hospice and palliative medicine.

Undergraduate Medical Education Heading link
University of Illinois College of Medicine Rockford medical students, including those in the Rural Medical Education (RMED) Program, gain hands-on clinical experience in family medicine through rotations within university-operated facilities as well as through our network of community faculty throughout the Rockford region, the state of Illinois and even globally.

Graduate Medical Education Heading link
The Department of Family Medicine provides residents and fellows the benefit of unopposed, community-based clinical experiences. Programs include the family medicine residency with tracks in rural health and advanced and surgical OB training, as well as two fellowships.
Why Family Medicine at Rockford? Heading link
Our reach goes beyond the local
The department is active in a range of clinical and educational activities; from Rockford, Illinois, throughout our rural communities, to the surrounding states, and across the globe to Vellore, India.
We focus on rural and underserved communities
We focus on full-spectrum care in family medicine. We support and collaborate with the campus’ National Center for Rural Health Professions and embrace the focus of striving to meet the healthcare needs of rural and underserved residents and their communities. Moreover, training in rural settings for both our medical students and residents has demonstrated improved knowledge and skills in family medicine. These traits are highly valued in our current medical environment.
We innovate
Our STRETCH-OB program provides advanced training in at-risk and surgical obstetrics to a select group of residents, who are committed to providing obstetrics in a rural or underserved community. Our Health Research and Evaluation division (HRE) also provides a vibrant research program that continues to propel us forward in an evidence-based fashion.
We are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion
The mission of our department’s DEI Committee is to create an inclusive environment supporting a diverse workforce and a clinical and training environment that facilitates the provision of high-value care to diverse populations. Members participate on search committees, in resident recruitment, and in ongoing professional development challenging our current societal and healthcare views of race, gender, and equity in medicine. Learn more about DEI at Rockford.
Learn more Heading link

Integrated Family Medicine Program for Medical Students Heading link
The new Integrated Family Medicine Residency Program recruits UICOMR medical students to receive additional clinical experiences in family medicine (and obstetrics), as well as mentoring and a stipend to help defray educational costs. After graduation from medical school, they will enter the University of Illinois College of Medicine Rockford Family Medicine Residency Program.