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Occupational Wellness

Rockford Residents & Fellows

ComPsych: ComPsych Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – a 24/7 line available for support at 833-955-3400
App: GuidanceNowSM
Web ID: StateofIllinois

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  • Burnout Assessment Toolthis site provides a manual and questionnaire for the practical use of the full and short version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT). The user manual aims to explain in a simple and transparent way how the BAT is constructed and how it can be used in practice. For more detailed information, please consult the comprehensive, scientific test manual.
  • Burnout Self-Test Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)
  • A “Burnout Prevention” Tool for Improving Healthcare Providers’ Health and Wellbeing: Mantram RepetitionJill Bormann, Ph.D., RN, F.A.A. is a Clinical Professor at the Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science/Beyster Institute of Nursing Research at the University of San Diego. She is also a Research Health Scientist and a board-certified Clinical Nurse Specialist in Adult Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing. She has pioneered a program of research on health-related outcomes of the Mantram Repetition Program (MRP), a spiritually-integrated intervention for symptom management.
  • TED Talks for When You are Feeling Burned Out – A collection of brief TED talks to help lift your spirits. Segments range from 4-20 minutes in length.
  • UIC Counseling Center – Mental Health Resources
    Sometimes, all you need to get through a stressful time are some online resources. Other times, online resources are a helpful addition to other therapeutic services. While visiting the site, please consider taking an anonymous mental health screener, or look at the resources for stress, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, grief and loss, or tragedy.
  • National Academy of Medicine
    In 2017, the National Academy of Medicine launched the Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience, a network of more than 60 organizations committed to reversing trends in clinician burnout. In particular, visit their Clinician Well-Being Knowledge Hub.

The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Well-Being

  • ACGME AWARE Well-Being Resources
    A new suite of resources designed to promote well-being among residents, fellows, faculty members, and others in the GME community is now available on demand. This initial set of AWARE resources focuses on individual strategies for cognitive skill building, and includes a video workshop, podcasts, and the ACGME AWARE app. Institution and program leaders, as well as faculty members, residents, and fellows, are encouraged to download these educational resources for use or integration into local curricula to mitigate the effects of stress, prevent burnout, and foster well-being among members of the GME community. 
  • ACGME Physician Well-Being
    ACGME is focused on creating a learning environment with a culture of respect and accountability for physician well-being. The Council is focused on five key areas to support its ongoing commitment to physician well-being: Resources, Education, Influence, Research, and Collaboration.

American Medical Association (AMA)

  • AMA STEPS Forward TM
    Physician well-being is influenced by both organizational and individual factors. This collection of AMA’s STEPS ForwardTM modules offer strategies on how to engage health system leadership, understanding physician burnout and how to address it, as well as developing a culture that supports physician well-being.
  • Headspace– Free through AMA, is an app that focuses on teaching meditation and mindfulness in 10 minutes a day.